Trusted House Sitters: reviews, pros and cons + tips

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Have you heard about the Trusted House Sitters website? You probably came to this article because you want to know more about the experience and if is trusted house sitters legit, am I right? So, relax because I’ll tell you everything you need to know! I’m taking care of beautiful animals here in Canada and saving a lot on accommodation! Let’s find out more about the experience and some Trusted House Sitters reviews!

Trusted Housesitters
Violeta and Bambi – pet sitting in Vancouver | Trusted House Sitters

Topics that I will talk about in this article:

In short, the objective of this article is to tell you how the platform works and show you how you can get free accommodation around the world, all while taking care of pets while the owners travel. Ohh, until the date of publication of this article, I have already had 4 experiences doing housesitting, all in the province of British Columbia, Canada. Therefore, the opinion portrayed here is based on these exchanges.

What is Trusted House Sitters?

The site works as an intermediary between people who need a sitter for their pets and people who are willing to do so without earning money. It is an example of a collaborative economy based on exchange. The pet owner lets you stay at his house without paying rent or bills and you take care of his pet and the house. There’s no money involved. It’s quite simple!

But hey Lid, what’s in for the website? Well, for you to send messages and be able to “book” a house you need to register on the website and pay an annual fee. I’ll tell you more about this in a few minutes. But, for now I can tell you that it’s worth it, as the amount you pay is much lower than the amount you would spend on rent and bills.

Trusted House Sitters
Bailey – house sitting in Sidney, BC.

Pet sitter obligations

The obligations will depend on each exchange and the animal (or animals) you will care for, but basically it is:

  • feed the pet;
  • play;
  • give affection;
  • walk if it’s a dog (between 2 and 3 times);
  • give medicine (if needed);
  • water plants (if the house has them);
  • pick up the mail;
  • keep the house clean and organized, the way the owners gave it to you.

Pretty easy, right? All obligations, as well as guidance regarding the animal’s routine, will be passed on by the guardians, don’t worry.

Trusted house sitters discount code
Trusted House Sitters profiles

What you will earn using Trusted House Sitters

Free accommodation =)

You will live in the person’s house for period of time that you agreed and will not have to pay rent or bills (electricity, water, internet, cable TV). In addition, you will be able to cook and, depending on what is agreed, use the amenities the house has (swimming pool, car).

I’ll tell you more details below, but I can tell you that in one of my recent exchanges the tutors left the fridge stocked for me, made dinner the day I arrived, picked me up at the bus station , also they left the car for me to use. Cool, right?

Trusted House Sitters

How Trusted House Sitters works?

Trusted House Sitters, as I said above, works as an intermediary and charges an annual fee to connect people and provide all the support we need. They do not interfere in the exchanges, everything is agreed between the pet sitter and the tutor.

Regarding the duration of the exchange, it will depend on the needs of each tutor. I, for example, have stayed 20 days (my maximum so far) and 3 days. In my case, I’m a digital nomad, I prefer longer stays.

In which countries can I do house sitting

In any country, but in some places this type of collaborative economy is more accepted.

Here in Canada there is a lot, in the United States, Europe, Australia and New Zealand too. In other destinations, I would say that the site is less popular.

Trusted House Sitters
Trusted House Sitters

How much does membership cost?

Trusted House Sitters have 3 types of plan.

If you don’t want to invest a lot, you can subscribe to the basic one, which guarantees you unlimited searches for 1 year (duration of the plans). 

Trusted House Sitters discount code and plans
Trusted House Sitters discount code and plans

Imagine that you are going to travel for 1 month and your destination will be Europe. The average accommodation for two people per day costs 140USD (for a room). If you do a 4-day housesitting, the amount you paid for the subscription will be worth it! If you’re thinking about traveling for longer, like I am, then there’s nothing to think about!

As I said, you will stay in an accommodation just for you, you will be able to cook and you will also have the company of dogs, cats and other beautiful and cute animals! It’s the famous win-win-win. You get much more than an accommodation and the pets receive your affection and the owners travel in peace knowing that the pets are being well looked after!

Save 25% on TrustedHousesitters (use code VIAJAR25)

Ohh, before I forget, I have a DISCOUNT CODE to share with you! Using this link you will get 25% discount (VIAJAR25 promo code)

How to create your profile on Trusted House Sitters

Creating your profile on Trusted House Sitters is easy. Just go to the website and fill in some details such as name, email and create a password. After that, you will have to choose your membership plan, as I explained above.

Página inicial do site Trusted House Sitters
Trusted House Sitters home page

After choosing your membership plan, it’s time to create your profile. Do your best here!

I’ll show you some screenshots of my profile on Trusted House Sitters so you can see how I’m doing, you can use it as a model (not a copy). Once you’ve created your profile, just start looking for accommodation and apply!

How to increase my chances of being accepted

Some useful tips to use Trusted House Sitters:

  • Complete your profile

The first thing you need is to create a complete profile, with all the important information and photos of you with the pets you have already taken care of or with your own pets.

Trusted House Sitters
Is Trusted House Sitters legit? Yes, that’s my profile.
  • All information needs to be clear

Second, if you are traveling to a country that requires a visa, make it clear that your documentation is all correct and that you already have a plane ticket. It is necessary to provide security to the pet’s guardian, showing that you will show up.

  • Make a video call

Third, be willing to make a video call before the exchange is confirmed, or meet the pet and the guardians before the exchange begins… once again, all of this is to make the owner feel safe and for you to get to know each other.

  • Don’t lie

Fourth tip, don’t write lies on your profile. For example, if you’ve never taken care of a rabbit, birds, or an senior dog that needs injections, don’t say you have experience. Remember, we are talking about small, beautiful living beings, they are not toys. The exchange requires responsibility and commitment on your part.


Trusted House Sitters reviews

My daily routine as a pet sitter depends a lot on the house, the guardians, the pets… I’ll tell you about my first experience so you can get an idea! But I’ll also share other Trusted House Sitters reviews.

1st experience – pet sitting Pixel

The routine with Pixel was very peaceful and he was a great mate for 20 days! Very cute and well behaved!

Pixel is a cutie owned by a Brazilian couple, meaning I was able to speak all the commands to him in Portuguese. Ohh and he is trained. The only problem is that he is a little reactive to other dogs. So, when walking with him I had to pay extra attention and avoid any contact with other dogs.

Trusted House Sitters como funciona
Pixel – pet sitting in New West. | Trusted House Sitters reviews

I was instructed to walk him at least two times a day, one in the morning and the other at the end of the day. Generally, I did it at 8am and 7pm. When I got home from a walk, I would clean his paws with a wet tissue, play with him and give him food. Meals, as well as walks, were twice a day.

During the day I took breaks from work and played with him, petted him… he spent the entire time with me! I loved my first experience!

2nd experience – Bambi and Violeta

My second Trusted House Sitter review is pet sitting for Bambi and Violeta, who also “speak” Portuguese =)

Bambi is a rescue dog, very happy and super calm to deal with. Violeta is a cute Pomeranian. My routine with both of them was also very easy.

I took Bambi for a walk and to do his business 3x a day, Violeta 2x (she pees on a mat). The eating routine was in the morning and at the end of the day. During the time I was at home I played with them and cuddled them. Just like Pixel, they didn’t give me any trouble and were great companions!

Trusted House Sitters review
Bambi | Trusted House Sitters

3rd experience – Bailey and Bella | Trusted House Sitters reviews

My most recent Trusted House Sitter reviews, was in Sydney, which is located on one of the islands in the province of British Columbia.

There I took care of Bailey, a San Barnese dog, and Bella, a beautiful cat. Finally a cat for me to take care of lol

Both are Canadian and the commands were in English, very easy too.

The routine with both of them was super peaceful too. In the morning I put out food around 6 am and give Bella medicine (she takes a pill before meals). Around 8am I went out with Bailey for a walk, it’s not a long walk, about 15 minutes for her to do her business, stretch her legs. When she return from the walk, they both get a treat. It’s funny how Bella stands at the door waiting for us to come back and demands her treat too (even though she hasn’t done anything lol).

Trusted House Sitters
Bella and Bailey | Trusted House Sitters

At lunch time I took Bailey for a quick walk so she can pee or I toke her outside to the backyard (when was raining). Once a day I cleaned Bella’s litter box. Ohhh, I gave them a lot of affection and play with them during my breaks from work.

Once a day I had to check the mailbox and once a week I had to water the house plants, they have a lot! LOL

In return, in addition to the accommodation agreed on the Trusted House Sitters website, they left the car for me to use and the fridge stocked (fruit, cheese, coffee, yogurt, pasta)!

So, those are my Trusted House Sitters reviews so far!

Is Trusted House Sitters legit?

After everything I told you, my conclusion is that Trusted House Sitters is legit and is worth to use it!

As I said, not only because I’m saving an average of 45 dollars per day on accommodation, but because I have the opportunity to spend time with these beautiful animals, which are making my trip much better!

Click here to get my Trusted House Sitters discount code to register and create your profile! If you have any questions, leave them below at the comments box!

Happy exchanges and see you later!

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2 comentários em “Trusted House Sitters: reviews, pros and cons + tips”

  1. Olá, Lid! Encontrei seu blog hoje e amei o conteúdo, obrigada e parabéns por compartilhar!
    Gostaria de saber da sua experiência, queria ir viajar por uns 3 meses (tenho 1 mês de férias) e depois 2 meses trabalho (remoto). Você acha que trabalhando é possível conhecer um pouco o lugar, relaxar, turistar, conhecer pessoas? Como você fez para viajar para outros lugares próximos? Ai fica em hostel, airbnb ou couchsurfing? Tenho vontade de tentar o housesitting, mas tenho receio de “ficar presa” no lugar/casa, embora estarei trabalhando tenho flexibilidade de horários.
    Tem algum lugar que você indicar ir para uma primeira vez usando a plataforma? Se puder orientar algo acerca da sua experiência, agradeço muito!

    • Ei Ana Paula!
      Eu acho que vale muito a pena usar a plataforma, usei bastante no Canadá e EUA. Ela é muito popular aqui na Europa também, principalmente no Reino Unido.
      Não acho que você ficaria “presa”, eu sempre consegui passear e cuidar bem dos bichinhos. Geralmente, cachorros demandam mais atenção do que gatos. Talvez, seja uma boa escolher uma casa para tomar conta de gatinhos. Essa questão dos horários é conversada com o dono do pet e se você achar que não rola pra você, basta não aceitar a troca.
      Você já viu meus vídeos do YouTube? Lá mostro um pouco da minha rotina como pet sitter.


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